Cheek contouring photo
Home Conditions Face Facial Peach Fuzz and Dead Skin Remover

At Luxe MedSpa, we specialize in transforming your skin with our expert dead skin removal and peach fuzz facial hair treatments. Our state-of-the-art DermaFlash Luxe+ technology in Pittsburgh is designed to gently yet effectively remove dead skin and facial peach fuzz (vellus hair), revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion.

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Experience the Difference Luxe MedSpa

Dr. Lisa Weinberg’s dead skin remover and peach fuzz facial hair remover is a must for anyone looking for a non-invasive treatment option in Pittsburgh. Here’s why her treatment stands out:

  • Specifically designed to be a gentle yet effective.
  • Leaves your skin smooth and hair-free.
  • Enhances the absorption of skincare products.
  • Comprehensive skincare guidance to increase the longevity of results.


Neck contouring patient before and after photo
Neck contouring patient before and after photo
Neck contouring patient before and after photo
Neck contouring patient before and after photo

*Results may vary.

What Our Patients Say

I struggled with severe acne on my cheeks and back for years, which left deep scars. Feeling self-conscious, I turned to Luxe Med Spa for help. Dr. Weinberg recommended a customized the best acne treatment plan, which also included a combination of microneedlins and laser treatment for acne scars. The transformation has been incredible. My acne prone skin is smoother, and the scars are barely noticeable. I'm grateful for the compassionate care and life-changing results I received at Luxe Med Spa.

Steven, ABC

I was one of Dr. Lisa's first Morpheus 8 clients. Dr. Lisa and Stephanie explained the procedure in detail and let me know exactly what to expect. They were true to their word. I was so pleased with the initial round of treatments that I scheduled a second. I recently turned 60, and people tell me all the time (just yesterday, in fact) they would have thought I was at least 10 years younger. Luxe MedSpa is modern, clean and comfortable with a friendly, knowledgeable staff. Do yourself a favor and schedule today!

Jennifer Phillips

I’ve had both the MORPHEUS 8 treatments as well as EVOLVE treatments. I am very impressed by Luxe MedSpa’s facility as well as their very professional and knowledgeable staff. Stephanie’s ability to explain the processes and then to apply the treatments is amazing. I’m very happy with the results. I would highly recommend their services

Jackie Scalise

Why Choose Luxe MedSpa for Your Skin Treatment?

At Luxe MedSpa, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care:

  • Advanced DermaFlash Luxe+ technology for superior dead skin and peach fuzz removal.
  • Tailored treatments to suit your unique skin needs.
  • A team of skilled professionals led by Dr. Lisa Weinberg.
  • Treatment focus on promoting overall skin health and well-being.

Our Awards

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The Treatment Process



Begin with a personalized assessment to determine the best approach for your skin.



Experience our gentle yet effective dead skin and peach fuzz removal techniques, designed for maximum comfort with each sesssion lasting between 15 -30 minutes.



Enjoy a quick return to your daily routine with no downtime.



See immediate improvements in skin texture and appearance.


Cost of Treatment in Pittsburgh

We offer detailed pricing for our services during your consultation, ensuring you understand the value of your investment in your skin. Cost will vary depending on the recommended dead skin and peach fuzz treatment recommendation. Give us a call to schedule your consultation and learn more about our cost breakdown.

Benefits of Our Treatments

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Smoother, Clearer Complexion

Achieve a flawless skin texture, free from dead cells and fine hair.

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Boosted Skincare Absorption

Enhance the penetration and effectiveness of your skincare products.

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Radiant, Youthful Glow

Reveal a brighter, more rejuvenated complexion with each treatment.

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Comfortable, Downtime-Free Treatment

Enjoy a safe and gentle experience with no recovery time needed.

Possible Risks

Dr. Weinberg’s treatments are performed with the highest safety standards. Temporary skin irritation or redness may occur post-treatment. Our team ensures a comprehensive skin evaluation and provides detailed aftercare guidelines to reduce these risks.

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Who Is a Candidate

Our peach fuzz and dead skin remover treatments are suitable for individuals looking to improve skin texture and remove fine facial hair. Ideal for those seeking a non-invasive solution to enhance their skin’s appearance.

Ask us a question or book your consultation today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes peach fuzz on face?

Peach fuzz on the face is caused by vellus hair follicles, which are present on nearly all areas of the human body. These follicles produce fine, light hairs that help with temperature regulation and sensation. The amount of peach fuzz can vary due to genetic factors, age, and hormonal levels.

How do these treatments work?

Our dead skin and peach fuzz removal treatments, including the DermaFlash Luxe+ technology, work by gently exfoliating the top layer of the skin. This process removes dead skin cells and vellus hair, revealing smoother, clearer skin underneath. The treatment is non-invasive and designed for maximum comfort and efficacy.

How do I prepare for my session?

To prepare for your dead skin and peach fuzz removal session, we recommend cleansing your skin to remove makeup and impurities. Avoid using any harsh skincare products or exfoliants a few days before the treatment. It's also important to ensure your skin is not sunburned or irritated on the day of the appointment.

Can I combine this treatment with other services?

Yes, our dead skin and peach fuzz removal treatments can be safely combined with other skincare services for enhanced results. For instance, following up with a hydrating facial or specific skincare treatments can further improve skin texture and appearance. During your consultation, we can recommend a personalized treatment plan that includes a combination of services tailored to your skin's needs.

Is peach fuzz normal?

Yes, peach fuzz is completely normal. It is a type of fine hair that appears on most people's faces and bodies. Its primary function is to provide a layer of protection for the skin. The amount and visibility of peach fuzz can vary based on genetics and hormonal factors.

Does removing peach fuzz cause acne?

Removing peach fuzz does not typically cause acne. However, if the skin is not properly cleansed before and after removal, or if the removal method irritates the skin, it could potentially contribute to acne breakouts. It's important to follow proper skincare practices when removing facial hair.

Lisa Weinberg photo

This page was written and approved by:

Dr. Lisa Weinberg, our highly qualified and experienced Dentist and Medical Spa Specialist. She is trusted for her reliable expertise in the best non-surgical cosmetic procedures and personalized care at Luxe MedSpa in Pittsburgh.



2323 Greentree Rd, Carnegie, PA 15106


(412) 206-6150


Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm.

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